oxford Basic English Translation Exercise:-120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,


Did he go to school? 
क्या वह स्कूल गया?

Did he see? 
क्या उसने देखा?

Did 'we read?
क्या हमलोगों ने पढ़ा?

 Did you try? 
क्या तुमने कोशिश की ?

Did Ram work? 
क्या राम ने काम किया?

Did I eat? 
क्या मैंने खाया?

Did you play?
क्या तुम खेले?

 Did she dance? 
क्या वह नाची?

Did they go? 
क्या वेलोग गए?

Did Sita go? 
क्या सीता गई?

Did you laugh? 
क्या तुम हँसे?

Did he come? 
क्या वह आया?

You did not wait. 
तुम नहीं गए।

The boys did not go. 
लड़के नहीं गए।

They did not help. 
उनलोगों ने मदद नहीं किया।

She did not sleep. 
वह नहीं सोई।

He did not come. 
वह नहीं आई।

Ram did not play.
राम नहीं खेला।

He did not eat. 
वह नहीं खाया।

You did not try. 
तुमने कोशिश नहीं की।

You did not work. 
तुमने काम नहीं किया।

We did not go. 
हमलोग नहीं गए।

I did not see.
मैंने नहीं देखा।


मैं खेल रहा था ।
I was playing.

मैं सो रहा था ।
I was sleeping.

हम लोग जा रहे थे ।
We were going.

हम लोग दौड़ रहे थे ।
We were running.

तुम गा रहे थे ।
You were singing.

आप हंस रहे थे ।
You were laughing.

आप लोग काम कर रहे थे।
You were working.

 हम लोग पढ़ रहे थे।
We were reading.

 वह गा रही थी ।
She was singing.

वह नाच रहा था ।
He was dancing.

वह लिख रहा था ।
He was writing.

सीता पढ़ रही थी ।
Sita was studying.

वे लोग इंतजार कर रहे थे ।
They were waiting.

लड़के सो रहे थे ।
The boys were weeping.

मेरी मां टहल रही थी ।
My mom was walking.

गाय खा रहे थे ।
The cow was eating.

गायें खा रहे थे ।
The cows were eating.

शिक्षक पढ़ा रहे थे।
The teacher was teaching.

 विद्यार्थी लोग पढ़ रहे थे।
The students were reading.

मैं स्कूल जा रहा था ।
I was going.

वह पटना जा रहा था ।
He was going to Patna.

सीता एक पत्र लिख रही थी।
Sita was writing a letter.


मैं रो रहा था ।
I was weeping.

मैं नहीं रो रहा था ।
I was not weeping.

क्या मैं रो रहा था?
Was I weeping?

 हम लोग पढ़ रहे थे ।
We were reading.

हम लोग नहीं पढ़ रहे थे ।
We were not reading.

क्या हम लोग पढ़ रहे थे ?
Were we reading?

तुम लिख रहे थे।
You were writing.

 तुम नहीं लिख रहे थे ।
You were not writing.

क्या तुम लिख रहे थे ?
Were you writing?

वह खेल रहा था ।
He was playing.

वह नहीं खेल रहा था।
He was not playing.

 क्या वह खेल रहा था ?
Was he playing?

वह गा रही थी।
She was singing.

वह नहीं गा रही थी।
She was not singing.

 क्या वह  गा रही थी?
Was she singing?

 वे लोग काम कर रहे थे।
They were working.

 वे लोग काम नहीं कर रहे थे ।
They were not working.

क्या वे लोग काम कर रहे थे?
Were they working?

 लड़के खेल रहे थे।
The boys were playing.

 लड़के नहीं खेल रहे थे।
The boys were not planning.

 क्या लड़के खेल रहे थे?
Were the boys playing?

 वह स्कूल जा रहा था।
He was going to school.

 वह स्कूल नहीं जा रहा था ।
He was not going to school.

क्या वह स्कूल जा रहा था?
Was he going to school?


Was he going to school? 
क्या वह स्कूल जा रहा था?

He was not going to school. 
वह स्कूल नहीं जा रहा था।

He was going to school. 
वह स्कूल जा रहा था।

Were the boys playing? 
क्या लड़के खेल रहे थे ?

The boys were not playing. 
लड़के नहीं खेल रहे थे ।

The boys were playing.
लड़के खेल रहे थे ।

Were they working?
क्या वे लोग काम कर रहे थे?

They were not working. 
वे लोग काम नहीं कर रहे थे ।

They were working.
वेलोग काम कर रहे थे।

Was she singing? 
क्या वह गा रही थी?

She was not singing. 
वह नहीं गा रही थी।

She was singing. 
वह गा रही थी।

Was he playing? 
क्या वह खेल रही थी ?

He was not playing. 
वह नहीं खेल रहा था।

He was playing. 
वह खेल रहा था।

Were you writing? 
क्या तुम लिख रहे थे?

You were not writing. 
तुम नहीं लिख रहे थे।

You were writing. 
तुम लिख रहे थे।

Were we reading? 
क्या हमलोग पढ़ रहे थे?

We were not reading. 
हमलोग नहीं पढ़ रहे थे ।

We were reading. 
हमलोग पढ़ रहे थे।

Was I weeping? 
क्या मैं रो रहा था।

I was not weeping.
मैं नहीं रो रहा था।

 I was weeping.
मैं रो रहा था।


मैं खा चुका था ।
I had eaten.

मैं नहीं खा चुका था।
I had not eaten.

 क्या मैं खा चुका था ?
Had I eaten?

हम लोग सो चुके थे ।
We had slept.

हम लोग नहीं सो चुके थे ।
We had not Sept.
क्या हम लोग सो चुके थे ?
Had we slept?

तुम लिख चुके थे।
You had written.

 तुम नहीं लिख चुके थे ।
You had not written.

क्या तुम लिख चुके थे?
Had you written?

 वह गा चुके थे।
He had sung.

 वह नहीं गा चुके थे ।
He had not sung.

क्या वह गा चुकी थी ?
Had he gone?

राम जा चुका था ।
Ram had gone.

राम नहीं जा चुका था ।
Ram had not gone.

क्या राम जा चुका था ?
Had Ram gone?

वे लोग दौड़ चुके थे ।
They had run.

वे लोग नहीं दौड़ चुके थे ।
They had not run.

क्या वे लोग दौड़ चुके थे ?
Had they run?

गायें आ चुकी थी ।
The cows had come.

गायें नहीं आ चुकी थी ।
The cows had not come.

क्या गायें आ चुकी थी?
Had the cows come?


Had the cows come? 
क्या गायें आ चुकी थीं?

The cows had not come? 
गायें नहीं आ चुकी थीं।

The cows had come. 
गाये आ चुकी थीं।

Had they run?
क्या वे लोग दौड़ चुके थे?

They had run. 
वे लोग दौड़ चुके थे।

Had Ram gone? 
क्या राम जा चुका था।

Ram had not gone. 
राम नहीं जा चुका था।

Ram had gone.
राम जा चुका था ।

 Had she sung? 
क्या वह गा चुकी थी?

She had not sung. 
वह नहीं गा चुकी थी।

She had sung. 
वह गा चुकी थी।

Had you written?
क्या तुम लिख चुके थे? 

You had not written. 
तुम नहीं लिख चुके थे।

You had writen. 
तुम लिख चुके थे।

Had we slept? 
क्या हम लोग सो चुके थे? 

We had not slept. 
हम लोग नहीं सो चुके थे।

We had slept.
हमलोग सो चुके थे।

 Had I eaten?
क्या मैं खा चुका था ?

 I had not eaten.
मैं नहीं खा चुका था।

 I had eaten.
मैं खा चुका था ।


मैं काम करता रहा था।
I had been working.

 हम लोग दौड़ते रहे थे।
We had been running.

 तुम सोते रहे थे ।
You had been sleeping.

आप लोग पढ़ते रहे थे ।
You had been reading.

वह इंतजार करती रही थी।
He had been waiting.

 राम गाता रहा था ।
Ram had been singing.

वह लोग लिखते रहे थे ।
He had been writing.

लड़के पढ़ते रहे थे ।
The boys had been reading.

शिक्षक पढ़ाते रहे थे ।
The teacher had been reading.

वे लोग खेलते रहे थे ।
They had been playing.

मैं नहीं गाता रहा था ।
I had not been singing.

वह नहीं सोता रहा था ।
He had not been sleeping.

क्या तुम खेलते रहे थे?
Had you been playing?

 क्या वे लोग प्रतीक्षा करते रहे थे ?
Had they been waiting?

 क्या कुत्ते भोंकते रहे थे?
Had the dogs been barking?


Had the dogs been barking? 
क्या कुत्ते भूँकते रहे थे ?

Had they been waiting? 
क्या वेलोग इंतजार करते रहे थे ?

Had you been playing? 
क्या तुम/ तुमलोग खेलते रहे थे ?

He had not been sleeping. 
वह सोता नहीं रहा था।

I had not been singing. 
मैं सोता नहीं रहा था।

They had been playing.
वेलोग खेलते रहे थे ।

The teacher had been teaching. 
शिक्षक पढ़ाते रहे थे ।

The boys had been reading. 
लड़के पढ़ते रहे थे ।

They had been writing.
वे लोग लिखते रहे थे ।

Ram had been singing. 
राम गाता रहा था।

She had been waiting.
वह इंतजार करती रही थी।

 You had been reading. 
तुम पढ़ते रहे थे।

You had been sleeping. 
तुम सोते रहे थे।

We had been running. 
हमलोग दौड़ते रहे थे।

I had been working.
मैं काम करता रहा था।


मैं खेलूँगा  ।
I shall play.

मैं जाऊँगा ।
I shall go.

मैं काम करूँगा ।
I shall work.

हम लोग दौड़ेंगे ।
We shall run.

हम लोग गाएंगे ।
We shall sing.

तुम नाचोगे ।
You will dance.

आप पटना जाएंगे ।
You will go to Patna.

आप लोग काम करेंगे।
You will work.

 वह आएगा ।
He will come.

वह रोएगी ।
She will weep.

सीता गाएगी ।
Sita will sing.

वे लोग खेलेंगे ।
They will play.

बच्चे खेलेंगे ।
The children will play.

मैं लिखूंगा ।
I shall write.

मैं एक पत्र लिखूंगा ।
I shall write a letter.

मैं स्कूल जाऊंगा ।
I shall go to school.

हम लोग पटना जाएंगे ।
We shall go to Patna.

तुम नेपाल जाओगे ।
You will go to Nepal.

वह कल आएगा ।
He will come tomorrow.

सीता कल जाएगी।
Sita will come tomorrow.

 वह दिल्ली जाएंगे।
He will go to Delhi.



मैं खेलूंगा।
I shall play.

 मैं नहीं खेलूंगा।
I shall not play.

 क्या मैं खेलूंगा ?
Shall I play?

हम लोग जाएंगे ।
We shall go.

हम लोग नहीं जाएंगे ।
We shall not go.

क्या हम लोग जाएंगे 
Shall we go ?

तुम काम करोगे।
You will work.

 तुम काम नहीं करोगे ।
You will not work.

क्या तुम काम करोगे ?
Will you work?

वह आएगी ।
She will come.

वह नहीं आएगी ।
He will not come.

क्या वह आएगी ?
Will he come?

राम नाचेगा।
Ram will dance.

 राम नहीं नाचेगा।
Ram will not dance.

 क्या राम नाचेगा ?
Will Ram dance?

वे लोग जाएंगे ।
They will go.

वे लोग नहीं जाएंगे ।
They will not go.

क्या वे लोग गाएँगे?
Will they sing.?

लड़के पढ़ेंगे।
The boys will study.

 लड़के नहीं पढ़ेंगे।
The boys will not study.

क्या लड़के पढ़ेंगे ?
Will the boys study?

तुम स्कूल जाओगे ।
You will go to school.

तुम स्कूल नहीं जाओगे ।
You will not go to school.

क्या तुम स्कूल जाओगे ?
Will you go to school?

वह पटना जाएगा।
He will go to Patna.

 वह पटना नहीं जाएगा ।
He will not go to Patna.

क्या वह पटना जाएगा
Will he go to Patna?

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