मैं एक कलाकार था।
I was an artist.
तुम एक नेता थे ।
You were a leader.
आप एक डाकिया थे ।
You were a postman.
वह एक पुजारी था ।
He was a priest.
मोहन एक गायक था ।
Mohan was singer.
वह एक नर्स थी।
She was a nurse.
श्याम बाबू एक शिक्षक थे।
Shyam Babu was a teacher.
हम लोग गायक थे ।
We were singers.
आप लोग अभियंता थे ।
You were engineers.
तुम लोग मजदूर थे।
You were labourers.
वे लोग नेता थे ।
They were leaders.
हम लोग किसान थे ।
We were farmers.
वे एक वैज्ञानिक थे ।
He was a scientist.
वह सोनार था।
He was a goldsmith.
मैं एक मोची था ।
I was a cobbler.
आप लोग धोबी थे।
You were washerman.
वे लोग हजाम थे।
They were barbers.
मोहन और करीम छात्र थे ।
Mohan and Karim were students.
तुम एक कलाकार थे।
You were an artist.
तुम लोग कलाकार थे ।
You were artists.
मैं एक शिक्षक था।
I was a teacher.
हम लोग शिक्षक थे ।
We were teachers.
वह एक चोर था ।
He was a thief.
वे लोग चोर थे।
They were thieves.
मैं तैयार नहीं था ।
I was not ready.
गीता मोटी नहीं थी ।
Geeta was not fat.
वे लोग वफादार नहीं थे ।
They were not faithfully.
नीता गोरी नहीं थी ।
Gori was not fair.
तुम नियमित नहीं थे ।
You were not regular.
वह मूर्ख नहीं था ।
He was not foolish.
डाकू निर्भय नहीं था।
The robber was not cruel.
तुम दोषी नहीं थे।
You were guilty.
वह सुंदर नहीं थी ।
She was not beautiful.
कुर्सी टूटी नहीं थी ।
The chair was not broken.
श्याम अप्रसन्न नहीं था ।
Shyam was not unhappy.
आप रंज नहीं थे ।
You were not angry.
कहानी रोचक नहीं थी ।
The story was not interesting.
वह सही नहीं था ।
He was not right.
मैं गलत नहीं था ।
I was not wrong.
मैं चोर नहीं था ।
I was not a thief.
तुम नेता नहीं थे।
You were not a leaders.
वह किसान नहीं था ।
He was not a farmer.
रीता गायिका नहीं थी ।
Reeta was not a singer.
वे लोग शिक्षक नहीं थे ।
They were not teachers.
आप लोग किसान नहीं थे ।
You were not farmers.
हम लोग छात्र नहीं थे ।
We were not students.
वे लोग डॉक्टर नहीं थे ।
They were not doctors.
हम लोग खिलाड़ी नहीं थे।
We were not players.
क्या मैं अनुपस्थित था?
Was I absent?
क्या हम लोग उपस्थित थे ?
Were we present?
क्या मैं गलत था?
Was I wrong?
क्या तुम सही थे ?
Were you right?
क्या वह निर्भीक था?
Was he fearless?
क्या तुम प्यासे थे ?
Were you thirsty ?
क्या वे लोग धूर्त थे ?
Were they cunning?
क्या वह कुरूप थी?
Was she ugly?
क्या राम जी बाबू विद्वान थे?
Was Ram Jee Babu learned?
क्या तुम लोग असंतुष्ट थे?
Were you dissatisfied?
क्या आप संतुष्ट थी ?
Were you satisfied?
क्या नदी सूखी थी ?
Was the river dry?
क्या आप वहॉं थे ?
Were you there?
क्या पुस्तक अच्छी थी?
Was the book good?
क्या कमरा आराम दे था?
Was the room comfortable?
क्या तुम एक किरानी थे ?
Were you a clerk?
क्या वह एक छात्र था?
Was he a student?
क्या वे लोग शिक्षक थे ?
Were they teachers?
क्या वे लोग ग्रामवासी थे ?
Were they villagers?
क्या आप लोग नेता थे?
Were they leaders?
क्या आप अनुपस्थित थे ?
Were you absent?
मै अनुपस्थित नहीं था ।
I was not absent.
मैं उपस्थित था ।
I was present.
क्या आप एक किरानी थे?
Were you a clerk?
नहीं मैं किरानी नहीं था
Not, I was Not a clerk.
मैं एक अफसर था।
I was an officer.
क्या आप लोग नेता थे?
Were you a leader?
हाँ ,हम लोग नेता थे ।
Yes, we were leaders.
क्या वे लोग किसान थे ?
Were they farmers?
नहीं वे लोग किसान नहीं थे ।
Not, they were farmers.
वे लोग मजदूर थे ।
They were laborars.
क्या आप पागल हैं?
Were you mad?
नहीं मैं पागल नहीं हूँ?
Not, I am not mad.
मैं नटखट हूँ।
I am naughty.
तुम मेहनती नहीं हो।
You are not laborious.
आप तैयार नहीं है।
You are not ready.
क्या मैं चोर हूँ?
Was I a thief.
क्या वे दोषी थे?
Were they guilty?
आप मूर्ख और अशिक्षित हैं ।
You are foolish and uneducated.
क्या यह गंदा है ?
Is this dirty?
क्या कुर्सी नई थी ?
Was the chair new?
क्या वे लोग गायक हैं?
Were they singers?
मैं उपस्थित हूँ।
I am present.
मैं उपस्थित था ।
I was present.
हम लोग किसान हैं।
We are farmers.
हम लोग किसान थे।
We were farmers.
तुम पागल हो ।
You are mad.
तुम पागल थे ।
You were mad.
वे लोग नेता हैं।
They are leaders.
वे लोग नेता थे ।
They were leaders.
श्याम मेहनती है ।
Shyam is laborious.
श्याम मेहनती था ।
Shyam was laborious.
राम और श्याम विद्यार्थी नहीं हैं।
Ram and Shyam are not students.
राम और श्याम विद्यार्थी नहीं थे ।
Ram and Shyam were not students.
क्या आप डॉक्टर हैं ?
Are you a doctor?
क्या आप डॉक्टर थे ?
Were you a doctor?
क्या मैं चोर हूँ?
Am I a thief?
क्या मैं चोर था?
Was I a thief?
क्या वह दोषी है ?
Is he guilty?
क्या वह दोषी था ?
Was he guilty?
क्या आप लोग प्यासे हैं
Are you thirsty?
क्या आप लोग प्यासे थे?
Were you thirsty?
क्या नदी सूखी है?
Is the river dry?
क्या नदी सूखी थी?
Was the river dry?
क्या मोहन और सोहन मूर्ख और अशिक्षित हैं ?
Are Mohan and Sohan foolish and uneducated?
क्या मोहन और सोहन मूर्ख और अशिक्षित थे?
Were Mohan and Sohan foolish and uneducated?
Were Mohan and Sohan foolish and uneducated?
क्या मोहन और सोहन मूर्ख और अशिक्षित थे ?
Are Mohan and Sohan foolish and uneducated?
क्या मोहन और सोहन मूर्ख और अशिक्षित हैं?
Was the river dry?
क्या नदी सूखी थी ?
Is the river dry?
क्या नदी सूखी है ?
Were you thirsty?
क्या तुम प्यासे थे?
Are you thirsty?
क्या तुम प्यासे हो ?
Was he guilty?
क्या वह दोषी था?
Is he guilty?
क्या वह दोषी है?
Was I a thief?
क्या मैं एक चोर था ?
Am I a thief?
क्या मैं एक चोर हूँ ?
Were you a doctor?
क्या आप एक डॉक्टर थे?
Are you a doctor?
क्या आप एक डॉक्टर?
Ram and Shyam were not students.
(Ram and Shyam weren't students?)
राम और श्याम छात्र नहीं थे।
Ram and Shyam are not students.
(Ram and Shyam aren't students.)
राम और श्याम छात्र नहीं हैं।
Shyam was laborious.
श्याम परिश्रमी था।
Shyam is laborious.
श्याम परिश्रमी है।
They were leaders.
वे लोग नेता थे।
They are leaders.
(They're leaders.)
वे लोग नेता हैं।
You were mad.
तुम पागल थे।
You are mad.
तुम पागल हो।
We were farmers.
हम लोग किसान थे।
We are farmers.
हम लोग किसान हैं।
I was present.
मैं उपस्थित था।
I am present.
मैं उपस्थित हूँ।
मैं तैयार रहूँगा।
I shall be ready.
मैं उपस्थित रहूँगा।
I shall be present.
मैं धनी बनूँगा।
I shall be rich.
मैं एक किसान बनूँगा।
I shall be / become a farmer.
मैं एक डॉक्टर बनूँगा।
I shall be / become a doctor.
हम लोग थके रहेंगे ।
We shall be tired.
हम लोग व्यस्त रहेंगे।
We shall be busy.
हम लोग नेता बनेंगे ।
We shall be / become leaders.
हम लोग अभियंता बनेंगे ।
We shall be / become engineers.
तुम दोषी होगे।
You will be guilty.
आप भूखे रहेंगे।
You will be hungry.
आप लोग संतुष्ट रहेंगे।
You will be satisfied.
आप एक शिक्षक बनेंगे।
You will be / become a teacher.
आप लोग शिक्षक बनेंगे।
You will be / become teachers.
सीता दुखी रहेगी।
Sita Will be sad.
वह उपस्थित रहेगा ।
He will be present.
वह नर्स बनेगी।
She will be / become a nurse.
वह कलाकार बनेगा।
He will be / become an artist.
वे लोग बीमार रहेंगे ।
They will be ill.
बच्चे खुश रहेंगे ।
The children will be happy.
वे लोग तैयार रहेंगे ।
They will be ready.
वे लोग किसान बनेंगे।
They will be / become farmers.
मैं तैयार हूँ।
I am ready.
मैं तैयार था ।
I was ready.
मैं तैयार रहूँगा।
I shall be ready.
हम लोग ईमानदार हैं ।
We are honest.
हम लोग ईमानदार रहेंगे ।
We shall be honest.
हम लोग ईमानदार थे।
We were honest.
तुम व्यस्त हो ।
You are busy.
तुम व्यस्त थे ।
You were busy.
तुम व्यस्त रहोगे ।
You will be busy.
वह उपस्थित है ।
He is present.
वह उपस्थिति थी ।
She was present.
वह उपस्थित रहेगी ।
She will be present.
राम नेक है।
Ram is gentle.
राम नेक था ।
Ram was gentle.
राम नेक रहेगा।
Ram will be gentle.
वे लोग संतुष्ट हैं।
They are satisfied.
वे लोग संतुष्ट थे ।
They were satisfied.
वे लोग संतुष्ट रहेंगे ।
They will be satisfied.
हम लोग नेता हैं ।
We are leaders.
हम लोग नेता थे ।
We were leaders.
हम लोग नेता रहेंगे।
We shall be / become leaders.
वह प्यासा है।
He is thirsty.
वह शर्मीली है।
She is shy.
तुम निर्भीक हो।
You are bold.
वे नेक थे ।
He was gentle.
आप लोग किसान थे ।
You were farmers.
यह खट्टा है ।
This is sour.
यह लाभदायक है।
This is useful.
हम लोग सफल रहेंगे।
We shall be success.
हम लोग डॉक्टर बनेंगे।
We shall be / become doctors.
मैं उपस्थित नहीं रहूँगा।
I shall not be present.
मैं भूखा नहीं रहूँगा।
I shall not be hungry.
मैं दुखी नहीं रहूँगा।
I shall not be sad.
हम लोग बीमार नहीं रहेंगे।
We shall not be ill.
हम लोग उपस्थित नहीं रहेंगे ।
We shall not be present.
तुम लोग दोषी नहीं रहोगे ।
You will not be guilty.
आप गरीब नहीं रहेंगे ।
You will not be poor.
वह व्यस्त नहीं रहेगी।
He will not be busy.
वे लोग तैयार नहीं रहेंगे ।
They will not be ready.
राम उपस्थित नहीं रहेगा ।
Ram will not be present.
गीता नर्स नहीं बनेगी ।
Geeta will not be / become a nurse.
मैं डॉक्टर नहीं बनूँगा।
I shall not be / become a doctor.
वे लोग नेता नहीं बनेंगे ।
They will not be / become leaders.
तुम एक किसान नहीं बनोगे ।
You will not be / become a farmer.
वह भाग्यशाली नहीं होगा।
He will not be lucky.
मैं अनपढ़ नहीं रहूँगा ।
I shall not be uneducated.
आप लोग धनी नहीं रहेंगे।
You will not be rich.
क्या राम भूखा रहेगा ।
Will Ram be hungry?
क्या राधा बीमार रहेगी।
Will Radha be ill?
क्या तुम उदास रहोगे ।
Will you be sad?
क्या वह डॉक्टर बनेगा।
Will he be/become a doctor?
क्या वह एक नेता बनेंगे ।
Will he be/ become a leader?
क्या बच्चे तैयार रहेंगे ।
Will the children be ready?
क्या मैं संतुष्ट रहूँगा।
Shall I be satisfied?
क्या आप ईमानदार रहेंगे।
Shall you be honest?
क्या आप उपस्थित रहेंगे ।
Will you be present?
मैं उपस्थित नहीं रहूँगा।
I shall not be present.
मैं अनुपस्थित रहूँगा।
I shall be present.
क्या तुम एक नेता बनोगे ।
Will you be / become a leader?
मैं नेता नहीं बनूँगा।
I shall not be / become a doctor.
मैं शिक्षक बनूँगा।
I shall be / become a teacher.
क्या आप लोग तैयार रहेंगे ।
Will you be ready?
हाँ, हम लोग तैयार रहेंगे।
Yes, we shall be ready.
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