school assembly rourine
हमारी प्रतिज्ञा
भारत हमारा देश है / हम सब भारतवासी / भाई बहन हैं / हमें अपना देश / प्राणों से भी प्यारा है / इसकी समृद्धि / एवं विविध संस्कृति पर / हमें गर्व है / हम इसके सुयोग्य / अधिकारी बनने का प्रयत्न / सदा करते रहेंगे / हम अपने माता – पिता / एवं गुरुजनों का आदर करेंगे / और सबके साथ / शिष्टता का व्यवहार करेंगे / हम अपने देश / और देशवासियों के प्रति / सच्ची निष्ठा रखने की / प्रतिज्ञा करते हैं | / राष्ट्रधर्म ही हमारे लिए / सर्वोपरि होगा / इसके कल्याण / एवं समृद्धि में ही / हमारा सुख निहित है |
जय हिन्द
India is our country
All Indians are our brothers and sisters, We love our country and we are proud of its rich and varied heritage. We shall always strive to be worthy of it. We shall give our parents teachers and all elders respect and treat everyone with Courtesy .To our country and our people We pledge our devotion in their well being and prosperity alone lies our happiness.
Assembly Details
Bhajan ……………………………..भजन..
Introduction of Class………….कक्षा की भूमिका
English Action Song.......अंग्रेज़ी अभिनय गीत
Today’s Thought …………………………आज का सुविचार.
News headline………………मुख्य समाचार .
Self Introduction …………………व्यक्तिगत दिनचर्या
National Song…………………… राष्ट्रगान
Hello Friends
Good Morning, I welcome everyone for morning assembly. it will be conducted by class …….. I would like to call my class teacher Mr/Mrs ……………… lighten the Deep.
Daily Routine
Good morning respected Principal sir, Teachers and my dear friends Today I am going to tell about myself and daily routine. I am known by the people ………….. My father’s name is Mr.....……. My mother’s name is Mrs…........…. I live at ………… I am the student of class …….. I get up at 6 O ‘clock early in the morning. First of all I get off from my bed and touch the earth and say thank God for giving me new pleasant morning. After that I go to washroom and fresh my face and sprinkling some water into the eyes. After that I go to the kitchen and heat some water to drink, after drinking a glass of warm water
I go to toilet , after returning from toilet I take my tooth brush and put the paste on it and clean my teeth properly . Then I rinse my mouth and clean my tongue with tongue cleaner. Then I go out for morning walk, After walking. I go to bathroom and take bath with a soap , first of all I turn the tap on and fill the bucket of water . Then
I wet my whole body and apply soap on my body and wash again, after that I dry my body with a fresh towel, and wear some clean clothes. I return from the bathroom oil my hair and body. Then I wear my school uniform take any breakfast and get ready for school.
Thank you!
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